Welcome to the History of the Narberth Girls Basketball League:
In 1985, a group of dedicated, basketball "nuts" had an idea. Looking around the Philly area, there was a dearth of basketball leagues for boys, but nothing really for or to champion girls basketball. The idea was to create a league for girls, where they could come together three nights a week, in a great setting, to play some ball. The mission was simple: Teach, Learn, Play Competitive games, Everyone Plays, Everyone has fun. Through some tireless dedication, planning and help from the town of Narberth, 4 teams came together June 1st, 6pm and created history. Who won or lost wasn't important, what transpired was a Summer tradition. From that day on you can stop by the Narberth Courts and watch some great basketball. Since those humble beginnings sprung three leagues. A Freshman League, Junior League and Senior League. Each summer over 400 girls came down to the courts to play, have fun, show their skills, and enjoy the league.
Many future stars have " showed their stuff " on the courts of Narberth. In fact many of these players have come back to coach and pass along their knowledge to the next Dawn Staley, Shanette Lee, Crissy Donahue, Molly Hanlon or Mimi Riley.
Times have changed, the level of play has increased, we have grown to be a champion and promoter of girls basketball. Through the years many things have changed, but the mission has stayed the same:
Play Competitive Games
Everyone Plays
Teach and Learn
Have Fun!
We have been blessed to been able to provide an outlet for great, spirited games. and a proving ground of sorts for preservation and promotion of Girls Basketball in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, players, coaches, the town of Narberth, and to everyone else who has supported and who continues to support the league.
Thank you - Narberth Girls Basketball League Staff