Registration for each season starts on February 1 of each season and the link to register will be on the home page.
How much does it cost?
Registration Fee is $100.00 per player prior to the registration deadline (4/15). $125.00 after the deadline.
When are the games played and at what times?
Monday through Thursday
6pm for Freshman League
7pm for Junior League
8pm for Senior League
How old do I have to be to play in the NGBBL?
We go by grade - Current 5th - 12th Graders ONLY
No exceptions
If I'm just a beginner can I still sign up to play?
Absolutely! We accept any talent of players from beginners to experienced players
What are the Grade Groups for Leagues?
Freshman League - Current 5th-6th Graders
Junior League - Current 7th-8th Graders
Senior League - Current 9th-12 Graders
Are there tryouts or player evaluations?
NO - All girls are eligible to play regardless of talent
Are there any practices?
No practices of any kind (In person or virtual) is not allowed in the NGBBL.
Where are the games played?
OUTSIDE - At the greatest place to play summer basketball - Narberth Courts!!!
INCLEMENT WEATHER – Games are played at St. Margaret’s School Gym in Narberth.
When does the league start and end?
The league starts in First Week of May and ends around the 3rd/4th Week of July (9 weeks includes playoffs)
Can I bring a team if I have one?
NO. This is a summer league designed for individual players to play with other players around the area
Can I switch teams if some of my friends are on other teams?
How many games are there per week and what's the commitment?
Usually 1/2 games per week depending on how the schedules lineup
Can I mail in a registration form with check?
NO - On-line only and we can take a E-CHECK on-line
What Credit Cards does NGBBL accept?
All - MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, Discover
If I'm in 4th Grade and I'm really good can I play in the NGBBL?
NO - Leagues start at 5th Grade and above - NO EXCEPTIONS
If I'm a really good 5/6th or 7/8th grade player can I play in the league above?
NO. We are extremely strict about this rule and if the grade of the player is incorrect they could be removed from the league.
Is Car Pooling accepted?
NO - No Exceptions as we have way too many requests to handle
Can sisters be on the same team?
YES - If they are in the same league
How many games does each team play?
9-10 games and all teams make playoffs
Is there an Eligibility Rule?
YES - All girls MUST make 5 of 9 games in order to be eligible to play in playoffs
What if my daughter gets injured?
There are exceptions...we need proof of injury either by showing up to one game or doctor's note.
Players will not be penalized for games missed as long we have the above requirement met.
Can I play if I just had my ears pierced?
Absolutely Not. We have a strict NO JEWELRY policy and there are no exceptions. We thrive on every players safety in our league. Please wait until after the summer program ends to have any piercings done.
Can I get a refund if my daughter gets injured in the first game?
NO Refunds after players are drafted on a team
Can I get a refund if my daughter decides she doesn't want to play?
Refunds would be given only if the player was not drafted on a team
When is the NGBBL Draft?
Last week of April
What Basketball rules are used in the NGBBL?
We use PIAA Officials and PIAA Rules
My daughter plays AAU, can I have her play on certain nights not to conflict with her schedule?
NO - We cannot accomodate any scheduling conflicts
When will I know if my daughter is placed on a team?
After you register on-line you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please be Patient.
After the draft (in late April) a coach from the NGBBL will be in contact via e-mail and/or phone to confirm your daughter's team.