When does Registration start each year?

How much does it cost?

When are the games played and at what times?

How old do I have to be to play in the NGBBL?

If I'm just a beginner can I still sign up to play?

What are the Grade Groups for Leagues?

Are there tryouts or player evaluations?

Are there any practices?

Where are the games played?

When does the league start and end?

Can I bring a team if I have one?

Can I switch teams if some of my friends are on other teams?

How many games are there per week and what's the commitment?

Can I mail in a registration form with check?

What Credit Cards does NGBBL accept?

If I'm in 4th Grade and I'm really good can I play in the NGBBL?

If I'm a really good 5/6th or 7/8th grade player can I play in the league above?

Is Car Pooling accepted?

Can sisters be on the same team?

How many games does each team play?

Is there an Eligibility Rule?

What if my daughter gets injured?

Can I play if I just had my ears pierced?

Can I get a refund if my daughter gets injured in the first game?

Can I get a refund if my daughter decides she doesn't want to play?

When is the NGBBL Draft?

What Basketball rules are used in the NGBBL?

My daughter plays AAU, can I have her play on certain nights not to conflict with her schedule?

When will I know if my daughter is placed on a team?

Is there a Waiting List if Leagues become FULL?